Thursday, April 28, 2022

Growing Up

 I wish I could write poetry. But since I can't...

What happened to the girl I used to be? 

The one who chased pixies in the yard and had a million pets? The girl who was unafraid of standing up for herself or her siblings? The one who could take on the world with a no nonsense air? The girl who found wonder in the world around her and loved the outdoors? 

What happened to the girl who made friends easily, giving her heart away with abandon? What happened to the girl with scrapes and bruises on her hands and knees from running and playing? The girl who played ball with the boys and house with the girls? The one who found ways out of the boxes people put her in and was unafraid? 

What happened to the girl that loved old things and could tell stories with a sparkle in her eye? The one who pranked her siblings and loved to learn? What happened to the girl who demanded she her place at the table? 

What happened to the girl I used to be?

The girl I am now looks back to that little me and smiles with affection. 

She laughs at the boisterous behavior and her heart aches along with every friend who leaves. The girl I am cries for the pain of being pushed into a box and for mourns the fear that hit one so young. The girl I am offers a hug and some tissues to the small child who is trying to relearn what home is. 

This older girl smiles and gives a little push towards the friends who’ve stayed and winces along with all the mistakes. The older girl shows the flowers that bloomed from the pain and offers hope. 

The little one smiles and offers one gift in return: a hug. She whispers comfort, promising she’s still here, deep inside. Hidden away under the layers of hurt, betrayal and pain. Her dreams and joy still beat there, making the weight easier to bear. “You’ve done well taking care of me. Don’t regret the things out of your control.”

That girl tucks herself away with another giggle and wave, leaving a ray of hope and sunshine behind her.