Saturday, September 16, 2023



Arms above her head, her hair flying out all around her. Rainbow flitted around, her head thrown back. Her smile filled the entire room, providing light for the space. She didn't stop, even when she was talking. Her hips swayed, her skirt swished against her ankles. Rainbow rocked onto one foot, popping the other into the air. Another step and she grabbed Rogue's arm, traveling forward. She tugged him along and towards her, sliding one hand around his back and the other gripping his shoulder. Hair scraped the ground and then she was upright again. He grabbed her, pulling her into his arms for a moment. A wicked smile, a mischievous grin, and then she was spinning, around and around. She laughed and spun back into his arms, her hair dangerously close to catching on his vest buttons. 


Her laugh was infectious and caught by Sunshine. Rainbow slipped under Rogue's arm and grabbed Sunshine's hand, twirling her in a circle. She dropped her hand and they danced together, pulling Valiant in alongside them. The steps changed. They kept time with their hands, creating a syncopated rhythm. Their feet drummed the floor and their breathy laughs provided harmonies. Sunshine reached and pulled Theo into the circle, away from where he watched in the corner. The music adjusted and played, filling the air full of light. The floor was bare, the walls nonexistent. Skirts flashed color, shoes tapped on rhythm. The circumstances were bare, but the warmth, love, and joy was contagious. 


Precious joined the circle hesitantly, tucking dark curls behind her ear. Valiant spun her around, frolicking alongside Rainbow. Snickers followed shyly before surrendering herself to the music with abandon. Rogue caught Rainbow again, pulling her into his arms and trapping her for a moment. She rested and caught her breath before he twirled her around in front of him, bringing her giggles back to the forefront. 


Sunshine gently invited Elegance to the party, coaxing her out into the floor, out into the dance. Rainbow saw and joined them, gently showing Elegance steps to try, to put her own spin on it. Elegance pirouetted in a circle and landed with a smile. The other girls applauded and tugged her into the frivolities. 


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